Blain's mom, Eileen came up for a whirlwind tour of Juneau and a cruise around the local marine parks. On the way we had absolutely spectacular whale sightings and a good deal of fun. More later, but here are some of our better photos from the trip.
The views and trails from the Mt. Roberts Tram were great. A gorgeous day to do it.
We didn't know that marmots can grow so big in Southeast. Must be all the salmon.
The Aleut ceremony in Funter Bay was a sad and poignant reminder of the cost of war on us all. These aleutians were rounded up after the japanese invasion of the island chain and more or less left to starve. All of the headstones dated to 1943-44 and there were too many children's. A history of this horrific uprooting can be read here.
We ate well. Here's mexican night.
This was one Mom caught of the whales bubble-net feeding in a huge group of 13-14 humpbacks. What a sight!